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Top Apartment Dogs

Picking a furry companion can be a difficult task, especially when you have a small apartment. You have to take into consideration the space size and living circumstances that best fit you and your pooch. Your dog’s size isn’t the only factor you need to take into consideration, you also need to think about your pet’s energy levels, noisiness, friendliness and even bathroom habits. Not only it would affect you and your home, but also your neighbours so it would be better to take their feelings into consideration to avoid further conflicts and misunderstandings.


If you are not a very active individual, a bulldog might be your best companion! These incredibly adorable dogs are low maintenance and are actually known for their laziness. They require minimal exercise and are very fast learners. They are incredibly intelligent, gentle and easygoing. However you do need to be vigilant when it comes to their health as they do tend to have heart and breathing issues.

French Bulldog

They are considered lap dogs for a reason. They are extremely tiny in size and half of the time they will just curl up in your lap and fall asleep. French Bulldogs are generally quiet so you do not need to worry about them being happy and annoying your neighbours. They are also low maintenance when it comes to exercise so you don’t need to worry about taking them on too many walks as they are quite passive dogs in general.


Dachshunds or ‘sausage dogs’ are tiny, hence why they are perfect for small apartments. They are known for their small legs and sausage shaped bodies. Dachshunds are adorable companions and don’t require that much exercise so they will be happy with daily walks and some indoor playtime.


These dogs are usually known for their high energy levels, fast speed and lanky legs. However, despite their zooms they make excellent small apartment pets. Their energy can be easily satisfied with daily walks and their friendly personalities will leave you and everyone else in awe.

- Alby Tskhe

Padoo Homes

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