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Thank You For Reading!

As we come to the end of 6 months and 57 blogs, I just want to thank all those who read and supported our work as we've informed you on everything from local events to city landmarks to national news and advice. I believe that over this time we've covered the most essential bits of information to help anyone interested in staying in Hull will be well informed and prepared for anything they might want to experience here.

I want to thank Patrick (Padoo), my boss throughout this for taking a chance on us and putting up with my constant feedback. He was always able to work with me and find a solid middle ground and that's something not a lot of people in management roles are able to do.

I also want to thank Alby, possibly the coolest co-worker I've ever had for being someone who I could consistently rant to and exchange ideas with. She's got great graphic design skills and anyone looking for a social media manager would be lucky to have her.

While this is the end of our time officially writing for Padoo Homes, I hope you will all continue to support the company and come stay with us in our lovely bustling city of Hull.

Thank you one last time,

- Dakota Morrill

Padoo Homes

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