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Lib Dems Take Hull

After 11 years straight of the labour party maintaining control of Hull’s City Council, the power has finally shifted.

19 of its 57 seats reaching to all wards except for Ings and Kingswood were up for grabs in the recent election that closed Thursday night with the Liberal Democrat party taking 18 of those 19 with the Labour Party only taking Bricknell, knocking the Conservative party out of power entirely in Hull.

The council’s seats are now filled with 29 Liberal Democratic councilors and 27 Labour councilors.

In speaking post-election, new Lib Dem council leader Mike Ross stated :

"In the coming months, we will look to make decisive changes to the way Hull City Council is run in these areas but tackling Labour’s mess will not be an easy job. We want to get tough on crime, strong on cleaning up our city and most importantly we want to listen to residents about the issues that matter most to them.”

Now all we can do is hold them accountable and make sure they stay true to their campaign promises. If they don’t, 19 more seats are up for grabs in 2023.

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