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Hull New Theatre Presents Shrek The Musical!

On Wednesday afternoon I was accompanying my friend as they went on a shopping spree, wanting to go clubbing. So naturally when we saw an advertisement for Shrek The Musical in the window of a building we passed by Princes Quay we instantly knew that was the true destination, going out the following night. Hull New Theatre isn't exactly new, being built in 1939 but as we entered with a surprisingly large crowd, I noticed it was very well kept inside with splashes of the past and modernity throughout the main entrance hallways.

Anyone who's seen the first Shrek movie likely knows the general plot of this play, however there are some notable character absences in the Magic Mirror, The Merry Men, and Thelonius The Executioner being likely cut for time. There is also a strange unique twist that I won't spoil for anyone interested in seeing it themselves, but my friend and I got some genuine laughs out of it.

Set design, performances, costume design, etc. was all phenomenal with some extra love going out to Donkey and Lord Farquaad who genuinely delivered every line with physical mastery, moving with the perfect amount of suave, awkwardness, never failing with their comedic timing.

Despite some surprising jokes involving LGBTQ+ slurs, Diabetes, BPD, and the double meaning of a certain donkey related swear word, I would definitely recommend the show to anyone interested. You may want to hurry however if you would like to see it in Hull as tomorrow, Saturday, March 26th will be the last performance from the Hessle Theatre Company until September's musical humorously named "Urinetown".

Other notable shows coming to the Hull New Theatre include Jersey Boys from May 17th- May 28th, and the musical phenomenon Les Miserables from June 15th-July 9th.

As a lover of musical theatre and former volunteer at a theatre in the US, it was really refreshing to be back in an audience watching a good show and I will definitely be back soon.

I highly recommend tourists come down to Hull and check out the talent that this city has to offer, and maybe stay with us when you do.

Dakota Morrill

Padoo Homes


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