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Covid-19 Still Hitting Hard

Last Friday, I went clubbing for the first time in my life. On Wednesday I tested positive for Covid-19.

As travel restrictions have become totally lifted, masks mandates in shops and public transportation have been practically removed, and government guidelines no longer require those who test positive to quarantine, the Coronavirus' new cases have been rapidly climbing.

Tourists and social butterflies should still be cautious of spreading a sickness as you would do with any other and are recommended not to travel when showing symptoms.

While the number of deaths have been more than halved since the release of the vaccines, the virus is still in full swing. In Hull alone, there was a reported 1,967 cases ( last week)

If you are showing signs and can't get everything you need from online deliveries, please wear a mask and maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from anyone else where possible.

-Dakota Morrill

Padoo Homes

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